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Sunday, September 9, 2012


Juicy, aromatic and highly acidic, lemons bring out the flavor in sweet and savory foods but they nearly always play a supporting role in the kitchen. Stop relegating them to the rim of your glass and give these winter citrus fruits their due - because they're serious cleaning and freshening powerhouses. These 20 unusual uses for lemon juice will make your home look and smell fresh, brighten your laundry, and improve your hair, nails and skin. Quick tip: roll a fresh lemon under your palm on the counter top to soften it up for easier juicing. 

Fingernail Brightener

 Nails looking dull and yellowed after a long period covered in dark polish? Just squeeze a lemon into a small dish, clean your nails and soak them in the lemon juice for a minute or two. Some women claim that this treatment will also make nails stronger, particularly when adding a tablespoon or so of olive oil to the dish.

Food Preservative

 Keep cut fruit and vegetables like apples, pears, avocados and potatoes from turning brown by squeezing on a little bit of lemon juice. You can also perk up droopy lettuce by soaking it for an hour in a bowl of cold water and the juice of one lemon.

 Emergency Deodorant

 Caught smelling less-than-fresh, with no deodorant around to save the day? Cut a lemon in half (or snag a wedge from your drinking glass) and rub it under your arms. The citric acid in lemon juice will reportedly kill odor-causing bacteria. In fact, you could use this trick to ditch conventional deodorants altogether.

 Odor Destroyer

 Even garlic, fish, mothballs and that disgusting gunk in your garbage disposal can't stand up to lemon juice's odor-eliminating power. Use a cut lemon or fresh-squeezed lemon juice to remove bad smells from your refrigerator, cutting board, microwave or practically any other surface. You can even add it to the cooking water of stinky foods like cabbage, or just simmer lemon peel in water on the stovetop as a natural air freshener.

 Insect Deterrent

 Many insects are highly sensitive to smell, including spiders, ants, fleas and typically so-hardy-they're-almost-alien cockroaches. Squirt lemon juice in windowsills, the thresholds of doors, along baseboards and into any cracks where insects might get into the house. Add lemon juice to your floor wash for even more insect-repelling action.

 Lighten Age Spots and Freckles

 There's some debate as to whether this actually works, but if you're desperate to reduce the appearance of freckles or dreaded age spots, lemon juice might be worth a try. Apply lemon juice with a cotton ball once per day and over time - we're talking months - they may lighten a little bit.

 Glass Cleaner

 Lemon juice will make hard water stains, debris and other marks on glass disappear. Use straight lemon juice on a sponge for tough jobs, or dilute a few tablespoons in a cup of water and spray it on. Wipe it off with newspaper for totally transparent windows (that might just kill a bird or two.)

 Stain Remover

 Sweat, mildew, berries, wine, oil - pretty much any substance that leaves a stain on fabric can be removed with good old lemon juice. Durable fabrics can be rubbed with a paste of lemon juice and salt while more delicate fabrics might require a gentler touch, saturating the stain with lemon juice and then washing it out.

 Sore Throat Soother

 Gargle with a teaspoon of lemon juice in 1/8 cup of warm water to help shrink swollen throat tissue and kill bacteria. Frequent cups of hot tea made with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice will also do the trick.

 Toilet Cleaner

 When mixed with household borax (not the insecticide kind), lemon juice can remove even those stubborn rust stains from the toilet bowl. Make a paste of borax and lemon juice and apply it to the stain with a scrub brush or sponge. Let it sit for up to two hours, then scrub away.

 Metabolism Booster

 Does lemon juice really boost metabolism? Some of the claims raise red flags as being a bit too enthusiastic, and most of these lemon-based "metabolism boosters" are recommended as food replacements in starvation diets. But hey, adding a little lemon juice to your water every day will make it taste better, and drinking more water can definitely help you lose weight. So, there's that!

 Dandruff Treatment

 Lemon juice may not cure dandruff or prevent it from occurring in the first place, but it can remove flakes that are already present so you don't have to worry about them making an appearance on your clothing. Massage lemon juice into your scalp, leave it on for ten minutes and shampoo as usual.

 Metal Polish

 Slice a lemon in half, dip it in salt and rub it onto metal surfaces like stainless steel ranges and copper pots to eliminate grime and make them gleam.

 Rice De-Sticker

 A few drops of lemon juice added to simmering rice will keep it from sticking to the pot, making clean-up a lot easier.


 Hair Highlighter

 You can achieve natural-looking highlights at home with nothing more than a little lemon juice, a sunny day and something to occupy your hands for an hour or two. Either apply it directly to the strands you want to highlight or get an overall lightening effect by spraying on a diluted mixture of 1/2 cup lemon juice to 1/2 cup of water. The intensity of the lightening will vary depending on your hair type and texture.

   Laundry Brightener

 Just as it removes stains, lemon juice can act as a natural, non-toxic alternative to bleach. Add a quarter cup of juice to the washing machine to brighten whites. Lemon juice's stain-removing power is further heightened by hanging the treated laundry up to dry in the sun.


 Heartburn Relief

 The efficacy of this trick depends on whether your heartburn is caused by too much acid in your stomach, or not enough. If it's the latter, drinking a little lemon juice in water can quickly relieve discomfort.

 Facial Treatment

 Applied with a cotton ball, a little lemon juice acts as an astringent, eliminating oil and tightening pores for a smoother look. Mix salt and lemon juice into a paste for an all-natural exfoliant.

 Itchy Skin Soother

 Apply full-strength lemon juice to unbearably itchy skin rashes like poison ivy to soothe them and keep them from spreading.

 Hangover Help

 The next time you're groaning in pain the morning after enjoying just a tad too much alcohol, try drinking a little lemon juice squeezed into warm water or tea. Not only does it help you re-hydrate, but the lemon juice can reportedly help balance the pH levels in your body and replace the vitamin C lost in the binge.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kalonji (Black Seeds)

  • The plants of Kalonji are found throughout India in the form of bushes. The height of the plant is approximately half a meter. It possesses blue flowers. It originated from Turkey and Italy. Later on, it was brought to Asia by physicians and cultivated in India. Seeds are triangular in shape, black in colour and possess a severe pungent smell, contain a considerable amount of oil. It is incorrect that Arabs learnt its use from the Greeks, because before the advent of Islam, no description or record is found about its use. Its therapeutic use was initiated after the advent of Islam, since; Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) mentioned its therapeutic efficacy and potential of cure.
    Chemical Composition - seeds contain 1.5% volatile oil, while 37.5% Non volatile oil. In addition to this Albumen, Sugar, Organic acids, Glucoside Melanthin Metarbin and bitter substances are also found. The Glucoside is toxic in nature, hence the use of Kalonji in large doses and prolonged use might be harmful.

    Hazrat Abu Hurairah States - “I have heard from Rasool(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) that there is cure for every disease in black seeds except death and black seeds are shooneez.”

    Salim Bin Abdullah(R.A.) narrates with reference to his father Hazrat Abdullah Bin Omar that Rasool(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, “Let fall these black seeds upon you, these contain cure for all diseases except death.”

    The same narration is found in Sanad-e-Ahmed from Hazrat Aisha (R.A.) and in Ibn-al-Jozi and Trimizi from Abu Huraira(R.A.). Hazrat Buraida(R.A.) narrates that Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated - “Shooneez is cure for all ailments except death.”

    It is stated in the books of seerat that Nabi-e-Akram (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) himself used to take these seeds for therapeutic purpose but with the syrup of Honey.

    Khalid Bin Saad states that he was travelling with Ghalib Bin Jabr, when he fell ill during the journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq (nephew of Hazrat Aisha(R.A.)) came to meet us. On seeing the patient, he took 5 or 7 seeds of Kalonji and ground it, mixed it in olive oil and dropped in both nostrils, Hazrat Aisha(R.A.) told us that Prophet Muhammad(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated that there was cure in black seeds for all ailments except sam. I asked him, what was sam? He said “Death”. Ghalib Bin Jabr became healthy with that treatment.

    Observations of the scholars of Hadith reveal that shooneez is equally effective for the diseases due to heat and cold. Zahbi states that kalonji removes the obstruction of any part of the body, expels the gases and strengthens the stomach.
  • It is Emmenagogue, Lactogogue and Diuretic.
  • It is an Anti-Helminthic, if taken with vinegar.
  • It is useful in chronic cold. Inhalation of its smell is useful in common cold.
  • The oil of Kalonji is effective in Alopecia.
  • Half teaspoonful, if boiled in water and taken, is helpful in Asthma and diffuses the toxic effects of Bee and Wasps.
  • Continuous use of kalonji is effective in mad dog bites.
  • Fumigation of kalonji is useful in Respiratory Diseases.
  • It is useful in Paralysis, Facial Palsy, Migraine, Amnesia and Palpitation.
  • It is also an Expectorant and Antipyretic.
  • It normalizes the secretions of stomach and pancreas.
  • This phenomenon is very much effective and significant in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.
  • It expels the Kidney and Urinary Bladder stones, if taken with the syrup of honey.
  • It is effective in Jaundice if taken with milk.
  • Its powder if taken with water is effective in treating Haemorrhoids.
  • If Kalonji seeds are boiled in vinegar and this solution is applied on Gums and Teeth, it removes the Inflammation of the gums and relieves the pain also.
  • It is also reported that its fine powder is effective if applied in early stages of Cataract.
  • Kalonji is also used in Skin disorders.
  • The oil of the seeds is also effective in Earache.
  • If it is taken with Qust Sheering after breakfast and dinner, it is effective in chronic Dysentery and Asthma.
  • Qust Sheering is a good medicine for sexual debility, but if it is taken with Kalonji seeds and Habburrashad, it becomes more fortified.
  • Modern trials have proven that Kalonji seeds alone or in combination with other drugs are highly effective in Diabetes Mellitus, Vitiligo and other Skin ailments

Friday, March 9, 2012


Ajwain is known in English as Bishop’s weed, although this may not be the correct name for this herb, as it also has discrepancies in its Latin name. The herb we use at home in Pakistan is Trachyspermum ammi, but there is a Trachyspermum copticum and Carum copticum. It is used for culinary purposes just like thyme, which is why we gave thyme that name in Urdu. However we stand corrected. Ajwain contains thymol, so is an anti-fungicide and also has antibacterial properties. It is believed to have originated in Iran and the Eastern Mediterranean.

Every household on the subcontinent probably has ajwain and its seeds, as it they are used in medicine as well as cooking. The seeds are carminative and classed as a spice. As a medicine it is used for a multitude of purposes, but if you dry fry the seeds and wrap them in cloth and put them near to you while you sleep they will clear nasal congestion if you have a cold. The plant is used for indigestion, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, dysentery, cholera, flatulence. The seeds are eaten with betel leaves to relieve dyspepsia, spasmodic disorders and flatulence. For colic take 3 grams of the following ingredients with warm water: 20gr Ajwain, 10 gr dried ginger and 5 gr black salt ground together.

The smoke from burning seeds is said to cure migraine, and ‘cigarettes’ made from ajwain seeds are used for respiratory disorders including bronchial asthma by villagers on the subcontinent. The seeds are also used in poultices with herbs to relieve asthma and arthritis.

The fresh herb is rubbed on warts to get rid of them. The boiled seeds cleanse the eyes and cure deafness it is said.

Another remedy is for earache: put ½ tsp seeds in 30 ml milk and heat this until the essence of the seeds starts to permeate the milk. Filter the milk and put it in the ear a drop at a time.

Ajwain is believed to have been known to the ancient Greeks and Romans and Dioscorides may have been describing ajwain when he mentioned “Ethiopian or Royal cumin”. It seems this plant has always been the subject of some confusion!The sap from the plant is collected by traditional healers or hakims and dried and sold in a type of crystalline form. You need just 1 crystal to a cup of boiling water and add honey to taste in order to keep illness at bay during autumn and winter. It is said to cure colds and coughs too. It tastes fine once you get over the initial smell, so don't be put off. It seems to work too!

To make a tisane with ajwain you need ¼ tsp fresh ginger root finely grated, ¼ tsp ground green cardamom seeds, ¼ tsp powdered cinnamon and ¼ tsp ajwain seeds. Mix the ground spices together and pour a cup of boiling water over the mixture. Leave this to steep for 5 minutes then strain and drink. This helps the body generally and is good if you have a cold.

The Dangs, a tribe from Southern Gujarat in India, mix ajwain seeds with imli (tamarind) seeds and fry them in ghee with gur (jaggery) and preserve the mixture. They say that it increases the male sperm count cures premature ejaculation and increases the libido of both sexes.

Another belief from subcontinental folklore is that the ajwain seeds should be soaked in lemon juice and dried seven times before being eaten in order to cure impotence and erectile dysfunctions. As ajwain contains calcium, iron, phosphorous, carotene, thiamine and riboflavin, there’s no denying that it is a health-giving plant.

  • Here are the few health benefits of Ajwain:
  • For Stomach Problems:

    Ajwain is very useful in alleviating spasmodic pains of the stomach and intestines in adults as well as children. Any colicky pain due to flatulence (gas), indigestion and infections in the intestines can easily be relieved by taking one teaspoonful of Ajwain along with 2-3 pinches of common salt in warm water. Ajwain is a very good digestive. It can be taken with buttermilk to alleviate digestion related problems. It is a good anti-acidic agent.
  • Respiratory Problems:
  • Common Cold:

    In an acute attack of common cold or migraine headache, put Ajwain powder in a thin cloth and smell this frequently. It gives tremendous symptomatic relief according to some Ayurvedic experts.
  • For bronchitis:

    If you have chronic bronchitis and asthma, take the mixture of Ajwain and jaggery, heat it to make a paste and take 2 teaspoonfuls twice a day. However, diabetics should not take this preparation because of the sugar content. It helps to bring out the mucus easily and alleviates chronic bronchitis and asthma to great extent. It also helps in getting relief from chronic cold.
  • For Cough:

    Ajwain is very effective in curing cough. One can drink hot water after chewing little Ajwain to cure cough. You can chew betel leaf with Ajwain at night before sleeping to control and cure dry cough.
  • For nasal congestion:

    A tablespoon of crushed Ajwain tied up in a small cloth bundle can be used for inhalation. It also relieves nasal congestion while sleeping when placed near the pillow.
  • For flu:

    A person suffering from influenza should drink the boiled water with 3gms of Ajwain and 3gms of Cinnamon bark for 3 days, thrice a day. This helps in curing influenza to a great extent.
  • For Alcoholics:

    If people who consume excessive alcohol develop discomfort in the stomach, taking Ajwain twice a day, will be very useful. It will also reduce the craving and desire for alcohol.
  • For Heart:

    Taking one teaspoon of Ajwain with hot water stimulates the heart and relieves heartache.
    For Ear ache:

    Ajwain oil can help in relieving ear ache with just one or two drops in the ear.
  • Arthritis Treatment:

    Ajwain oil can also be used to massage legs and knees to get relief from pain from arthritis. It is beneficial in treatment of rheumatic and neuralgic pain.
  • Tooth ache:

    The smoke of burning Ajwain seeds is effective in treating toothache. Gargle with lukewarm water prepared by boiling of Ajwain and little salt two to three times a day, it cures tooth pain.
  • Ajwain Herbal Remedies

    Some of the common herbal remedies of ajwain seeds are as follows -
  • During Pregnancy

    - In some regions, ajwain seeds are taken during pregnancy. The seeds are taken with gaud as it is believed that it purifies the blood and reduces lumbago.
  • Venomous insect bite

    – In traditional Vedic medicine, paste of ajwain seeds is mentioned as a remedy for venomous insect bite such as scorpion bite, as it has pain killing properties.
  • Toothache

    – Ajwain fumes are also inhaled to cure toothache, which is caused by decaying tooth.
  • Hiccups

    – To instantly stop hiccups, ajwain seeds are taken with one or two sips water.
  • Kidney stone

    Ajwain seeds are taken regularly with vinegar or honey for a week. This remedy removes kidney stone with the urinal flow.
  • Stomach tonic

    Ajwain seeds soaked in water for a night and its water is taken next morning. This helps in stomach diseases as it cures digestion and acute dyspepsia.
  • Acidity

    Dry roast one teaspoon of ajwain seeds and cumin seeds. Add to it one cup of water and bring it to boil and strain it. Add some sugar and take one teaspoon as a remedy for indigestion and acidity.

    The ajwain seeds are tiny in size. The seeds can cure certain mouth and heart diseases, vomiting, ascites, piles, abdominal tumor and pain. It should be taken in small doses as in some people, it can cause skin irritation.